Following the Tides | Weblog

Following the Tides | Weblog

The Big Bainbridge Island Snow 2019

Bainbridge Island Ferry in Snow 2019Living on Bainbridge Island is normally uneventful but add anywhere from 8-13 inches of snow and you have a whole other Bainbridge Island. Here’s my list of what happens on Bainbridge Island when it snows:

  • There’s going to be a run on supplies at Town & Country, Safeway and Ace Hardware.
  • Group text / messaging skyrockets (literally all day!).
  • Your power is going to go out.
  • You’ll discover most of your neighbors have a generator (and you don’t).
  • There’s a sledding hill that’s walking distance from your house.
  • Your power is going to go out again.
  • Friends and neighbors step up to help each other.

The last one is the most important. Bainbridge Island truly is one big neighborhood. The island is interconnected by shared groups who are always at the ready to help a neighbor. You may not know who you are helping but you help anyway because we’re all neighbors. It’s what I love about living on Bainbridge Island.

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