Following the Tides | Weblog

Following the Tides | Weblog

Rainy Weather Activities On and Off Bainbridge Island (2020 Edition)

We’ve modified our rainy weather activity options for 2020.

Rainy Weather Activities Bainbridge IslandIf you live on Bainbridge Island, you know the rains have arrived. In 2019, I wrote about ‘Rainy Weather Activities On and Off Bainbridge Island.’ Even then, there weren’t many indoor options on Bainbridge Island and there are even less this year. Sidewalk dining is over and the eating inside no longer an option. Having the kids at home only complicates your ability be active. Normally I’d recommend heading into Seattle but downtown is boarded up and most indoor spaces are closed.

So this year, my recommendation is to get your wet weather gear in order and get outside. Get out like it’s summer and be out as much as possible. It could be a walk, a hike, a run or all three. Hit the Grand Forest trails, Battle Point Park or just walk out the door and start moving. Yes, the summer vs winter gear is different but the activities can be ‘mostly’ the same. A good start is visiting the two Bainbridge Island places to shop for rainy weather outdoor gear: Wildernest and Bay Hay. As for the kids, it’s puddle jumping season. We cross a sad adult line when we choose to avoid the puddles vs stomping in them. My goal is to jump into a few puddles this year.

One more option is to have your family slip on their running shoes, mask-up and hit the high-ceiling’d and well-ventilated Silverdale Costco. If you walk every aisle and backtrack a little for the items you missed, you should be able to get 2000-3000 steps.

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